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c. Three expectations are that the Union will win a clean three. Of course, congratulations to the Al-Ahly club. Congratulations to the fans and congratulations to the Board of Directors of the technical staff, his transfer of the new player, as yteste iptv 4 hrsou say, confirm that the good people and his player Well, right, a match on the pitch, an easy match, the one who is coming will be more difficult than that, but the boys without reasons I was very impressed with the velvet. The minute there is nothing. There is no dead person. There is no leg because the children are well trained, well trained, and I take it as a responsibility and the skin. Congratulations Ahmed Sayed Ghareeb, the first participation, two goals. Nice start, and not the best. Congratulatio

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ns Ziad Tarek, a global goal. This boy is second. If the children are all Mohamed Ashraf Helf Sherihan, Mohamed Mahmoud, even the man who represented. I liked very much. Mohamed Hamdi was born. You find yourself exhausted when you find yourself having a big match. It is natural that a rotation of the youth takes place. The idea here is alsoteste iptv 1 dia very important when you see the professionals after that. The doctor once or almost the player is one of us Live the right and increase the way of the online channel. Why, guys, I mean, kipor is more than that. The man plays as long as the wood is good. Every time you give him the game, the youth. Now, Egypt clearing Egypt clearing a bag on which this game is exactly like the captain pilot. Ai


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